워드프레스 3.5 버전이 나온지 두달 됐습니다. 1월에 3.6 버전을 위한 준비에 들어가서 3월이면 베타버전이 나오고 4월에 정식 버전이 출시될 예정입니다. 아직 개발 단계에 있기 때문에 어떤 기능이 추가될지는 알 수 없고 베타버전이 나와야 파악이 되겠습니다.
January 02-09, 2013 | Confirm proposed scope and secure team leads. |
January 09, 2013 | Development begins. |
March 13, 2013 | Hard freeze on feature development. Stop feature development; focus on testing and compatibility (supported platforms, browsers, RTL, accessibility, etc). Ship a Beta 1. |
From this point on, no more commits for any new enhancements or feature requests in this release cycle, only bug fixes. Any enhancements/feature requests not completed and committed by this point will be punted to future. Please don’t get angry and complain when this happens; it’s necessary to get us to an on-time release. You can keep working on your pet ticket and have it ready for early 3.7. | |
March 20, 2013 | Beta 2 |
March 27, 2013 | Beta 3 |
April 03, 2013 | Release Candidate 1 target date. String freeze. Any work is focused on regressions and blockers only. |
April 10, 2013 | Release Candidate 2 |
April 17, 2013 | Release Candidate 3 |
April 22, 2013 | Target date for WordPress 3.6 launch. |