워드프레스 쇼핑몰, 웹사이트

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우커머스의 정기결제(Subscription) 플러그인을 이용한 쇼핑몰.

사이트 이미지

회원관리 사이트

회원관리 프러그인을 이용한 학회 홈페이지.

사이트 이미지

면도기 정기결제 쇼핑몰

우커머스의 정기결제(Subscription) 플러그인을 이용한 쇼핑몰.

사이트 이미지

해외 쇼핑몰

해외 대상 쇼핑몰. 다양한 플러그인 사용됨.

사이트 이미지

강아지 용품 정기결제 쇼핑몰

우커머스의 정기결제(Subscription) 플러그인을 이용한 쇼핑몰.

포트폴리오 보기

블로그 인기글

커스텀 디자인

여러 종류의 플러그인을 이용해 페이지와 콘텐츠를 커스텀 디자인

Brizy Pro

페이지 빌더

다양한 콘텐츠를 만들 수 있는 프론트 엔드 페이지 빌더

Elementor Pro

페이지 빌더

다양한 콘텐츠를 만들 수 있는 프론트 엔드 페이지 빌더

Advanced Custom Field Pro

사용자 정의 필드

커스텀 콘텐츠 작업에 필요한 플러그인


사용자 정의 콘텐츠 타입

기본 콘텐츠 타입외에 다양한 형태의 콘텐츠 생성.


페이팔을 자주 이용하다보니 피싱이 있네요. 의심스러운 경우 신고하는 방법을 알아보겠습니다.


7/13/2014 11:31:08

Dear martian36@naver.com,

PayPal protects your card against unauthorized use when shopping online.

You've bo ught a top-up voucher from digicallingcards (contacts@digicallingcards.com)
It may take a few moments for this tra nsaction to appear in your account.

If you have not authorized this charge, log in as soon as possible to cancel the payment!


When the payment will be canceled you will get a full refund.

PayPal Secure Payments 


위와 같은 이메일을 받았습니다. 누군가 나의 계정을 이용해 온라인 쇼핑을 하려고 하는데 본인이 한 것이 아니면 당장 취소하라는군요. 그래서 log in 링크를 클릭하니 다음과 같은 화면이 나왔습니다.

주소창을 보니 정말 어이없는 URL입니다. 꼭 확인해야 합니다. 그림만 보고 이메일과 비밀번호를 입력하고 로그인하면 바로 사기꾼에게 정보가 가게 됩니다.

신고하기 위해 계정 화면에서 Security Center를 클릭했습니다.

좌측 사이드바에서 Report (phishing) email을 클릭했습니다.

spoof@paypal.com으로 해당 이메일을 포워딩 하라고 합니다.

네이버의 경우 해당 이메일에서 전달을 클릭하고 신고 내용을 입력하고 보냅니다.

바로 답장이 왔습니다.


Dear martian,
Thank you for being a proactive contributor by reporting 
suspicious-looking emails to PayPal's Abuse Department. Our security 
team is working to identify if the email you forwarded to us is a 
malicious email.
Paypal Will Always:
- Address our customers by their first and last name or business name of
their PayPal account
Paypal Will Never:
- Send an email to: "Undisclosed Recipients" or more than one email 
- Ask you to download a form or file to resolve an issue
- Ask in an email to verify an account using Personal Information such 
as Name, Date of Birth, Driver's License, or Address
- Ask in an email to verify an account using Bank Account Information 
such as Bank Name, Routing Number, or Bank Account PIN Number
- Ask in an email to verify an account using Credit Card Information 
such as Credit Card Number or Type, Expiration Date, ATM PIN Number, or 
CVV2 Security Code
- Ask for your full credit card number without displaying the type of 
card and the last two digits
- Ask you for your full bank account number without displaying your bank
name, type of account (Checking/Savings) and the last two digits
- Ask you for your security question answers without displaying each 
security question you created
- Ask you to ship an item, pay a shipping fee, send a Western Union 
Money Transfer, or provide a tracking number before the payment received
is available in your transaction history
Any time you receive an email about changes to your PayPal account, the 
safest way to confirm the email's validity is to log in to your PayPal 
account where any of the activity reported in the email will be 
THE PAYPAL WEBSITE. Instead, enter www.paypal.com into your browser to 
log in to your account.
What is a phishing email?
You may have received an email falsely claiming to be from PayPal or 
another known entity. This is called "phishing" because the sender is 
"fishing" for your personal data. The goal is to trick you into clicking
through to a fake or "spoofed" website, or into calling a bogus customer
service number where they can collect and steal your sensitive personal 
or financial information.
We will carefully review the content reported to us to certify that the 
content is legitimate. We will contact you if we need any additional 
information for investigating the matter. Please take note to the 
security tips provided above as they may help to answer any questions 
that you may have about the email you are reporting to us.
Help! I responded to a phishing email!
If you have responded to a phishing email and provided any personal 
information, or if you think someone has used your account without 
permission, you should immediately change your password and security 
You should also report it to PayPal immediately and we'll help protect 
you as much as possible.
1. Open a new browser and type in www.paypal.com.
2. Log in to your PayPal account.
3. Click "Security and Protection" near the top of the page.
4. Click "Identify a problem."
5. Click "I think someone may be using my account without permission." 
6. Click "Unauthorized Account Activity."
Thank you for your help making a difference.
Every email counts. By forwarding a suspicious-looking email to 
spoof@paypal.com, you have helped keep yourself and others safe from 
identity theft.
The PayPal Team
Please do not reply to this email. If you need to follow up, please 
follow the steps above to access your account and utilize the Contact Us
resources from our site.


자동 답장인데 주 내용은 페이팔에서는 어떤 요구를 하지 않는다는 것입니다.

곧 이어서 확인 답장이 왔습니다.


Hello martian,
Thanks for forwarding that suspicious-looking email. You're right - it 
was a phishing attempt, and we're working on stopping the fraud. By 
reporting the problem, you've made a difference!
Identity thieves try to trick you into revealing your password or other 
personal information through phishing emails and fake websites. To learn
more about online safety, click "Security Center" on any PayPal webpage.
Every email counts. When you forward suspicious-looking emails to 
spoof@paypal.com, you help keep yourself and others safe from identity 
Your account security is very important to us, so we appreciate your 
extra effort.
This email is sent to you by the contracting entity to your User 
Agreement, either PayPal Ince, PayPal Pte. Ltd or PayPal (Europe) S.à 
r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions, Registered Office:
5th Floor 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg B 118 


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